Azure ARM templates can refer to certificates from an Azure Key Vault. Earlier this required us to upload the certificate into the Key Vault as a JSON object and refer to the secret as described in .

Secrets have an identifier URL with the format https://<vaultEndpoint>/secrets/<secretName>/<secretVersion>. For example

Azure has now introduced the concept of Certificates in Key Vault. You can upload PFX files directly to the Key Vault without the pain of converting them to a JSON object.

Certificates have an identifier URL with the format https://<vaultEndpoint>/certificates/<secretName>/<secretVersion>. For example

But you cannot refer to those certificate identifier URLs in ARM templates directly. For example, if you refer to the certificate identifier URL as follows

"osProfile": {
    "computerNamePrefix": "[variables('namingInfix')]",
    "adminUsername": "[parameters('adminUsername')]",
    "adminPassword": "[parameters('adminPassword')]",
    "secrets": [
        "sourceVault": {
            "id": "[resourceId('Test', 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults', 'vk-test-keyvault')]"
        "vaultCertificates": [
            "certificateUrl": ""

You will get the following error.

15:53:32 - New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 03:53:32 PM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets 'testvijay' 
15:53:32 - failed with message '{
15:53:32 -   "error": {
15:53:32 -     "code": "InvalidParameter",
15:53:32 -     "target": "certificateUrl",
15:53:32 -     "message": 
15:53:32 - " is not 
15:53:32 - a valid versioned Key Vault Secret URL. It should be in the format 
15:53:32 - https://<vaultEndpoint>/secrets/<secretName>/<secretVersion>."
15:53:32 -   }
15:53:32 - }'

These certificates cannot be refered in ARM templates with their identifier URL. For every certficate that is uploaded, Key Vault also assigns a SecretId. You can list that by using the powershell cmdlet Get-AzureKeyVaultCertificate

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AzureKeyVaultCertificate -VaultName vk-test-keyvault -Name yourdomain-cloudapp-net

Name          : yourdomain-cloudapp-net
VaultName     : vk-test-keyvault
Certificate   : [Subject]


                [Serial Number]

                [Not Before]
                  05-05-2018 03:04:13 PM

                [Not After]
                  05-05-2019 03:24:13 PM


Id            :
KeyId         :
SecretId      :
Thumbprint    : BCF5F9E79C14B82C784C3AD2171295ED42E4ECE9
Tags          :
Enabled       : True
Created       : 05-05-2018 09:45:56 AM
Updated       : 05-05-2018 09:45:56 AM
RecoveryLevel : Purgeable

You can refer to the certificate using the SecretId URL.

"osProfile": {
    "computerNamePrefix": "[variables('namingInfix')]",
    "adminUsername": "[parameters('adminUsername')]",
    "adminPassword": "[parameters('adminPassword')]",
    "secrets": [
        "sourceVault": {
            "id": "[resourceId('Test', 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults', 'vk-test-keyvault')]"
        "vaultCertificates": [
            "certificateUrl": ""